Saturday, April 22, 2006
tears fall down my eyes.
When was the last time you cried while watching a movie? I just watched ''crashed'' and i cried like 3 times.ha. You people must think that the show would be a romantic , soapy drama , but instead its just different people going through different kind of lives. The type of biasness, insults 1 have to go thru just because they are different..
Sometimes people arent wat they are. They try to do whats right, act right,.. when it comes to the crunch are you really up for it?
Whereas even robbers, thieves are good. sometimes people dont really get to choose who they want to be.. Bad company, bad town, the chances of you being a lawyer?
Seriously why must we be ____, to blend in?
*The more you hurt others, the bigger your pride will be.'' ->
5 stars for ''crash''.
Humans are UGLY , everyone. So Am I, So are you.
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wre u saw the movie? cinema? wanna rent... if u say 5 star.. sure must watch.. hehe