Thursday, May 04, 2006
If you dont care, why should i?
Ok, i just went for a mini-class reunion dinner just now.. and of course it was fun,lively full of laughters.. I hoped everyone who went had a good time even though we did not dine at a very posh restuarant and I want to thank everyone for making the time out to come for the dinner.
Personally, 4e2 means alot to me. Great friends, great experience, fun-fucked teachers , and of course the ''dramatic 6'' also originated from 4e2.
Unfortunately, some of the mates i had were unable to turn up for dinner due to work,family BLA BLA BLA. The ones who mother fuckin pissed me off is the ones who just dont give a hoot about the importance of the event. Nono, i'm not saying that its grand, like your grandpa's wedding or anithing.Its just a dinner an event which maybe we could catch up on times or watever. After grad, people were talkin about stayin in contact , weekly meetups,BLA BLA BLA. seriously people, not to be rude but one big ''FUCK YOU.'' People , sometimes for morality sake , please fuckin, i mean PLEASE fuckin keep your word.
Ok , i invited everyone in my phonebook in 4e2 to come for the dinner. Those who were nt invited , my sincere apologies.
First things first , whenever someone texts you and expects a reply, please reply. This is not like i fuckin call you one by one and expect immidiate responses from you people. I know you have your school , your events , your poly friends , your family . The reason i texted is because i want to give you time to think , plan your time and after all that give me your reply.For (whoever you pray for)'s sake , PLEASE FUCKIN REPLY. If you cant make it for some reason, tell me, i wont point a gun at your sister and threaten to shoot her if you cant make it... I texted in the morning , so i expect replies by set. If i didnt get your reply , i took the bloody effort to take my cell and call up some of you. Next time please give me some place in your mind , and give me a response , even if its a moan from the moon. Because if i got no reply, i feel like a homosexual.
Initially , I MEAN INITIALLY , i cant deny that i was quite happy with the response you people gave.. most were straight ''ok''s , maybe few because of the hectic schedule '' cant make it'' or '' need to confirm at a later time''..At the end of the day , i was happy and excited , looking forward to the day which i could see people i last saw ages ago , again.
Then people started to do their trademark, '' put aeroplane''. Seriously , one thing i hate people to do to me is to '' put aeroplane '' on me. This just shows that its not your priority, you dont give too much of a shit , ''go dont go , nevermind one la.. also not important, many people sure never turn up one''.I've take time to ask people out, get the guys , carry out the event , and you just dun give a shit?I guess maybe i shouldnt give too much of a damn. Maybe you hang out with your crew, i hang out with mine, we see each other on the street we give a ''head tilt'', '' where you going ah? '' , '' ok bye'' kind of shit.
Reasons and excuses i have plenty. Lame ones , wierd ones , even fucked-up ones.
"toot , toot ''
Me : '' Ae where are you ah?''
Person : '' Outside''
Me: '' Ae you coming anot?''
Person: '' Huh, when? You all got go ah? You also never confirm''
Me : '' Aiya , just come la..''
Person: '' Cannot la, i'm with my girl. Sorry ah.''
Me : '' Orh, ok loh. Den nevermind loh, Bye Bye. ''
HOLY COW.what.the.fuck?
i never confirm with you? For . ARGH! I am the organizer, i am calling people , you have any enquireries you fuckin ask me. '' When i say go for dinner, and you said ''ok''. Need to confirm what? Not like if last minute cancel , i wont tell you.
Ok nevermind, You tell me '' I'm with my girl '' . Let me tell you, if you had been any closer with me , i tell you the next line you hear from me is ''FREE FLOW OF VULGARITIES + ANGER + TANTRUM + MY FUCKED UP VOICE , if possible MY FUCKED UP FACE.''
Dont you think that you are bloody ignorant? If you have a date tell her you cant make it, you already have another appt. dammit. If its your first date with a girl , tell me , damn i'm straight , i will understand.
Scenario no. 2.
Me : '' Are you coming?''
Person : '' Ya.''
Me : '' Where are you now? ''
Person: '' Coming out of school already.''
Time :7.20
*1 message recieved
''Ae i'm not coming already, i'm only at ___.''
You make me wanna hold u in the middle of the night, You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna kill, You make me wanna peel
I make you wanna surrender your balls.
(Peel as in peel your skin.)
Another plain ignorant #%$#%$.
For your son's sake , please make it a point to keep your word. I tell you , it really pisses me off when things like that happen . I dun bare grudges la. ok? Its hard to organise something which requires many people to attend. I dont think i will try it anymore is like playing with fire. NONO, its like playing with balloons, like you keep blowing balloons and it nvr burst.
In the future, if there's anyone else or myself who has a kind heart to take such precious time to organise something, please give your utmost support.
I'm not sure if there's any rifts between any of you people but when you get to meet please for my sake , set the differences aside for the time being and let everyone have a good time.!
Finally, I want to thank
joy.joseph.zhihao.ken.linda.keetat.rueban.junkai.dinesh.sakthi.yongxian and MYSELF.
for attending this dinner.
reuban, i am sorry you nid to leave halfway. nxt time got to leave tell me ma, u missing in action i also dunno.
i am sorry if you find my tone above quite harsh , i WAS quite pissed la.
Fun facts: This idea of a class dinner came to mind when Dinesh and Myself were planning to meet up for dinner one of these days . Then we decided to call more people, then we thought why not try get the class.
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yeah.. we have to meet up rite bro? but to make it more lively i decided to have more ppl.. hehe.. too bad for the rest who didnt turn up.. simply no faith... hehe...
yeah.. we have to meet up rite bro? but to make it more lively i decided to have more ppl.. hehe.. too bad for the rest who didnt turn up.. simply no faith... hehe...
next time i organize.. kk?? next time round ill call everyone of them.. sms no use. it will take 2 days or so for them to reply.
how cum when it comes to thankin yourself for attending, your FONT IS SUPER BIG.
it should be my name. >.<
oya im joy.