Thursday, June 22, 2006
Damn you motherfucker.
My slippers just got stolen. Seriously wats up with my slippers, i know its nice but cant you fuckin go buy your own. Must you fuckin steal mine? Seriously by wearing my slippers, your mother ( if you even have one) will hung on the 13th storey of your any fuckin building which no human on earth could seperate her neck frm the rope. Her soul will come to haunt you , fear you, kill you for fuckin stealing my slippers.
I seriously FUCKING FEEL LIK STABBING YOU. I WANT TO KILL YOU. If you are care to be such a fuckin grandpa fucker, i guess in 3 days you wont be able to pee, and have your bladder that stuck-up till your face and find that your favourite food will be white flip-flops. You will go around HDB estates feeding on flip-flops like there's no tomorrow.You will then wear my slippers fall off the stairs have your arms broken fingers fractured and have a needle pierce right through your eye..sweeeet eh? It aint that bad , you still have the legs to wear my flip-flops.
Seriously go home, go home. You will find yourself go broke that you need to steal slippers. Inside you are so glad you stole 2 pair of slippers....Deeper in , you know you are so FUCKIN LOW to steal slippers..may your wife/husband die the day your child is born. You will find your child hate you so much that he will stab you on his 18th birthday. Your son 18th birthday present will be '' a free-fuck with grandma corpse''. He cummed so much on your mother that your mother sort of revive and he hugged your child and close the coffin.They married.(oh, did i meantioned that your son was a homosexual?) I think your mom has really great strength eh?
'Son and Grandma happily ever after''
Soon, your son and your mum fucked so much they hare 18 children.17 died though. Dont worry there's one to carry your family line. Oh ya! What should you call him?
I dont know who in the blue hell fuckin took my slippers.
Some Fuckin BANGLADESHI WORKER. Bangladesh shouldnt even be in the map?
''Go to the 9 storey and look for one darling.''
''Bring another pair for your brother too.''
''And oh ya , another smaller one for the child I had with Grandpa which is coming out in 2 months time''
Or maybe some chao ah beng
''wa! slipper si bei cool leh! ai kope mai? ''
'' kope la!''
''heee.e.heee..heee...Ah Lian , i kope slippers leh!''
''Woah so cool!''
They then giggle till they choked and drop dead.
ps. Joseph slippers got stolen too.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
gift from nowhere.
hi again.What was the most expensive thing you've ever found? A dollar, a hand-phone , a wallet ? or maybe a piece of paper with a girl's number.
Recently something incredible happened to my friend. He managed to get on a cab. Ya, incredible eh? The cab isnt what you see on roads around singapore it has 5 wheels.Amazed, he quickly flagged for the cab, and the cab stopped! Seeing that it has 4 wheels on the outside , he spotted one more when he got inside the cab, the sterring wheel. =D
Here's what he saw in the cab. ''The love letter every girl wants.''
The ''Revealing of the bomb''
Woah! I spent like one freakin hour loadin the photos . Dont even kow why i decided to blog. Yes, my friend found a new, LV Purse even with a paper bag in the cab... Sometimes you wonder when will you ever get so lucky eh.? HOR HOR?? haha. if i were to find such a thing i'll probably ......
Give it to my mom or maybe a friend of mine who is a girl whose birthday is coming shortly..
But , i will never be as lucky la. Do you think its like a gift from nowhere? Its still packaged with a paperbag and box.
The bad thing is my friend found it with another fren of they need to split the money by selling the wallet.
If you REALLY REALLY like this wallet, den ask me the price. =D.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The same boy you've always known
Born in the year of 89,
A baby, tears of joy in his parents' eyes.
He had a consience clear like spring,
a castle where he is king.
Grandma was his best friend,his big brother.
or perhaps she's just another mother.
His dad is a discipline master,
his mum, dad's lover , a beautiful pastor.
He learnt much,not all.
Forever is non-existent,and angels do fall.
Pink turned black,
His life , cracked.
In the darkest of all nights,
Standing in the highway,under the street light.
Still , he dosent cry,
He just cant figure Why.
Things dont always stay what they used to be.
My friend may become a enemy,
A sinner may become a devotee
But i'm still me.
I may be slow,
I may not glow,
I will grow old,
But i will still be the same boy you'll always know.
Just a short poem about my life..If you have no clue what is it about go figure it out.